Cancellation Policy and Refund Policy

  • You can cancel the order at any time before the order is shipped. In such a case, the product price will be refunded to you in full within 7 days.

  • If you want to cancel the order after the product has been shipped, you will have to return the product after you receive it. We will refund the amount after we receive the product back from you.

  • If the product purchased by you on YouDeeds, is damaged or faulty or not what you ordered or expected, you can return the same within 10 days from the date of delivery at your address. We will refund the amount paid by you, after we receive the product back from you. We follow a No-Questions asked- Return Policy.

  • Your refund will be issued within 3-4 business days from the date when we receive the products from your end.

  • For any queries, mail us at